Sunday, January 31, 2010
The College Experience

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Disintegration of Terre Haute

Just as the city is going under, so is its biggest university. Although, the latest edition of the Indiana Statesman claims that enrollment is rising, the university has to claim prison enrollment to reach the student population of 10, 500. My criminology professor pointed out that the article is a joke, because when he attended school here, the student enrollment was 15,000 and rising. So, what happened? For the answer, I am going to go to the Broken Window theory by James Q. Wilson. The concept behind the Broken Window theory is that if there is one broken window that does not get repaired, soon another broken window will happen, etc. This is basically saying that when people do not have enough pride in an object or place and allow for it to start to waste away with no repair, it will continue to get worse and worse. This is precisely what has happened in Terre Haute, Indiana, as things started to disintegrate, not enough people cared enough to do anything about it, so it has continued at an uncontrollable speed. Now, most people want to leave this place, at least all of the smart people as my criminology professor put it. In my class, the professor asked everyone who wanted to get the hell out of dodge to raise their hands, and the majority of the class did raise their hands. This is the problem here. In order for Terre Haute to be great again, great people are going to need a reason to stay, but until then we'll all continue to run away from the rundown place Terre Haute has become.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Legend or Reality?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Reeve Hall

Upon further research, I found that the idea of the women's dormitory was proposed first in 1904 by President Parsons. The actual dormitory was not finished until November 16, 1924. The opening of it was welcomed by a huge parade. At the time, Reeve Hall consisted of two wings with the entrance door placed between them. Over the entrance, gnomes were placed representing students of music, physical education, chemistry, and home economics. Up until 1959, the women's dormitory was the only living quarters on campus for women. In 1971, the dormitory was closed because of rising costs. It then became used for classrooms and offices until it was torn down in 1998.
It is shocking to me that such a beautiful building would be torn down. I find it ironic that in the span of only 74 years, people went from celebrating the opening of the dormitory to seeing it as a financial burden. In my opinion, if the university were to keep the charming structures from its history, enrollment could increase. Students want to walk around a place that is proud of its history, not one that ignores its existence.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Crows are Creepy

While walking around Indiana State's campus this last week, I couldn't help but notice the unusual amount of crow's and their droppings. And we wonder why no one wants to come to school here?
According to the local newspaper, it is estimated that around 32,000 crows are roosting in Terre Haute this winter. A biology professor at the university hypothesizes that they chose Terre Haute because of the warmth and lights.
So, it seems over the next few months of winter, the residents and students should not only watch their step, but keep a look out in the skies, you never know what may be dropping for a nice little surprise.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Terminal: From Rail Station to Modern Bar
There are buildings or places in every town that have a rich history. The function of these buildings has more than likely changed throughout the years, and most citizens are not even aware of this. The town of Terre Haute, Indiana, is just one these places still possessing some structures holding a rich history that is waiting to be discovered by its citizens.
The Terminal, the building above, is an architectural beauty of Terre Haute that is greatly appreciated by the citizens, but the true history behind it is relatively unknown. At the time The Terminal Arcade was built, it was constructed as an interurban railway station that connected Terre Haute to Indianapolis. Once automobiles became widely used, it was closed in 1940. In the time period of 1949-1972, the building was used as a local bus station for the residents. Currently, it is known as The Terminal Sports and Spirits Bar. It has become one of the most popular bars in town for the regular towns people and the many college students.
History is such an essential component in every community. Every person should strive to understand their surroundings in order to appreciate their environment, whether they are there for a short period or for life. Throughout this semester, my goal is to make myself aware of the past of Terre Haute, Indiana, through researching and exploring the different places and events that have influenced what this town has become today.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Let Me Introduce Myself

Hey all! My name is Heather Litchford, and this is currently my first year at Indiana State University. Previously, I attended Indiana University-Bloomington. I transferred to Indiana State to complete my criminology degree. Although, this is only my first year living in Terre Haute, I have lived only a half an hour from here my entire life. Where I'm from, there is absolutely nothing to do, so my friends and I would travel to Terre Haute to do anything entertaining (this is the sad truth). In high school, there was no other college in Indiana I was willing to attend besides IU. Indiana State University was never known as that to me when I was applying to colleges, it was commonly referred to as "I Screwed Up."
After spending three years at IU, I realized that it was not all that it was said to be. Eventually, I chose to transfer to Indiana State because it has a great criminology program and because of the excellent professor to student ratio. Since coming here, I have realized that ISU has all of the potential to be an excellent college, but the location and lack of motivation are causing its demise. Lately, I have heard in a few of my courses about the way Terre Haute was back in its golden days, but if you were to come here now you would see nothing but a rundown, stinky town. So, throughout this semester I am looking forward to discovering the colorful past that has shaped Terre Haute into what it has become today, a lost treasure.